Brewing is such a seasonal hobby. There are beers for spring (Maibock), summer (Saison), fall (Pumpkin), winter (Christmas), among many others. Many of them are brewed to toast the season, and are always fitting for the weather. I've only made one spiced beer in the past (in the traditional sense). It was a butternut squash beer with traditional holiday spices. It turned out okay, but I think my technique and abilities have really improved since then so I'm hoping to crank out a killer holiday beer. Of course, as you know, I don't really brew many "normal" beers. My thoughts for this holiday beer is take a high gravity saison and add a mix of baking spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, all-spice). The malt bill was designed to be fairly straightforward, hoping to maintain a medium high maltiness with a touch of Carafa for a light chocolate flavor. This is my first time using Wyeast 3711, French saison, which is garnering some incredible praise from home brewers. It has a spicy profile like Dupont, but seems not to require high temperatures to attenuate fully. I've had great success from 3724 and 3726, so I'm excited to see how this one goes. I'm hoping to get it ready to drink by Christmas, but I think it'll be a stretch.
| |
% Weight | Weight (lbs) | Grain | Gravity Points | Color |
37.8 % | 7.00 | Castle Pils | 31.5 | 2.3 |
27.0 % | 5.00 | American Soft White Wheat | 25.7 | 2.5 |
21.6 % | 4.00 | Bolander Munich | 19.0 | 5.7 |
4.1 % | 0.75 | Belgian CaraMunich I | 3.2 | 10.0 |
1.4 % | 0.25 | German Carafa I | 1.0 | 13.4 |
8.1 % | 1.50 | Turbinado Sugar | 8.7 | 0.5 |
| 18.50 | | 89.1 | |
% Wt | Weight (oz) | Hop | Form | AA% | AAU | Boil Time | Utilization | IBU |
91.7 % | 2.75 | | Pellet | 5.0 | 13.8 | 75 | 0.245 | 45.1 |
8.3 % | 0.25 | | Pellet | 5.0 | 1.3 | 10 | 0.085 | 1.4 |
| 3.00 | | | | | | | 46.5 |
Well it's starting to look like one uncontrollable brew, here's some action pics now 8 hours in:
9/5/09: Gravity down to a whopping 1.005, 94% AA, 11% abv. Flavor is really nice, the spices are starting to mel
9/12/09: Racked on 9/9. Looks like some signs of a pellicle developing on top. If it get's any more involved, I'll post a picture, otherwise I'm not too concerned.
11/21/09: Bottled with 5.5oz of cane sugar, shooting for 3 vols of carbonation. Gravity settled in at a whopping 1.000! Spices have really mellowed, but the dryness and high abv gives this brew some heat. Should be a nice one by Christmas time.
How did this brew turn out? Have you tried it yet? 11% ABV and great attenuation!